00:07:52 Colleen Elkington: Practicing with the straw was fun—easy to do. 00:08:36 Lavina: For me it keeps my spirits up 00:09:02 Gideon Eilers: I sing to get through hard times, and to enjoy the good ones 00:10:30 Gideon Eilers: up 00:10:35 Leiani Sherwin: Do-Re-Mi from Sound of Music 00:10:38 Cynthia: Irene goodnight 00:10:40 Jackie Smith: danny boy 00:10:41 Gideon Eilers: up the ladder to the roof 00:10:42 Melissa: Long time sun 00:10:51 River: lay me down 00:10:54 Kathy Hall 4: Broken Prayers by Riley Clemmons 00:11:00 Sophie: here comes the sun 00:11:01 Lavina: Help me to Love by Tori Kelly 00:11:02 Colleen Elkington: In Memory of the Crucified (hymn) 00:11:03 Celia Nimura-Parmenter: The music and the mirror from a chorus line 00:11:06 Margaret Farber: Santo, Santo, Santo 00:11:12 Mark K, Tacoma: A Verse from We Shall Overcome, which resonates with me now, “We’ll Walk Hand in Hand”, etc. 00:11:17 Emily Wickman: Smile (jazz standard, not sure who wrote it) 00:11:26 Amman Starr: my Heavenly Father loves me 00:29:50 Emily Wickman: https://tps10-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ewickma_tacoma_k12_wa_us/ES6LsF4HKpdHgLr58fFn7ocBz8Ohip8rK2ZWmuwsE4-pIA?e=nRu7ke 00:29:55 Emily Wickman: the document 00:31:20 Lavina: Is that what creates vibrato as well? 00:49:46 Tina Van: Be open for something wonderful to happen Be open to the possibility (x2) Aiye Aiye Aiye, Aiye Aiye Aiye (x2) 00:52:38 Tina Van: I will have to show you later on, its not super obvious 00:52:42 Tina Van: Oops haha 00:57:31 Lavina: I presonally just need to practice more. 00:57:45 Leiani Sherwin: I think I just need to practice more 00:58:20 Tina Van: I think I would pass out trying to breathe through a straw haha 00:58:57 Colleen Elkington: If the throat feels a little dry or tired is that to be expected? 01:01:33 Sander: My voice consistently cracks when I do a continuous note from the low range up to the high. Is that normal? 01:02:29 Margaret Farber: That is GREAT info....I was cracking too! 01:02:54 Elham: it was mine, too. 01:02:58 Elham: Thank you 01:05:12 Elham: Is it possible we have the video for class? It would be helpful for practice. 01:06:05 Tina Van: Hi elham, I will be sending out class recordings after today’s class processes on the zoom cloud. Hope this information is helpful! 01:06:45 Tina Van: You can access course information from any device on our website: refugeekhoir.org/coursepage (password: BREATHE) 01:07:03 Tina Van: I spelled choir wrong 01:07:36 Elham: Thank you 01:07:52 Tina Van: v 01:07:55 Tina Van: I am sending you light, to heal you, to hold you, I am sending you light, to hold you in love. 1. No matter where you go, no matter where you've been, You’ll never walk alone, I feel you deep within. 2. No matter what you feel, or what you choose to show, I'm always there for you, so I want you know that... 3. I walk the path with you, go slow dear one, don't hurry, I'll go just like you need to go, there is no need to worry. Sending you light by Melanie DeMore, used with permission 01:11:51 Tina Van: very impressive! 01:12:03 Tina Van: I can’t do it hahah 01:13:09 Tina Van: Bye everyone!!